Pain Relief

& Vibration Therapy

Pain Management

Finding relief from tension or pain stored in the body usually comes in the form of pills. Working with the Universe, I can help move those negative energies off your body so you feel immediate relief and a restoration of mobility in your joints. Contact me for a FREE first session!

Energy Healing

Chakra Balancing

Negative experiences can affect our physical and energetic bodies. Working with your body's chakras, I can help you release energies that no longer serve you and begin a journey of healing. I will teach you how to shed (guilt, pain, grief) and ground into the Earth.

Holistic Therapies

Connect to Spirit & Earth

Nontraditional therapies include Ayurvedic Medicine to help support your body's ability to heal itself; transformational coaching to assist with goal setting and pain point elimination; yin yoga for stress & trauma reprocessing; meditation & mindfulness training ; and and other healing modalities.

Meet Anjuli

Anjuli Kapoor

As Founder and CEO of Mountain Tranquility, Anjuli (on-joo-lee) welcomes the life force that supports us in this non-dualistic world. As a former nonprofit CEO, an author, a yoga instructor, an energy healer, and Master Professional Life Coach, she acknowledges the messiness of navigating our dreams and hardships and embraces living a full life on the other side.

Anjuli is adept at holding safe space for others while they navigate the unknown. After publishing her first book, she reconnected with her ancestors in the Spirit realm and awakened long-dormant energies that allow her to work with others in supporting their body’s ability to heal itself.

Please reach out below to connect virtually (globally) or in person (in the Pikes Peak Region).